Review: Enola Holmes (Netflix)

adventure Oct 6, 2020

When there’s a ‘Holmes’ in the title, it goes without saying that the movie should fit into the mystery genre (or so one would think). It was last weekend, as I was casually flipping through Netflix, that I decided to give it a watch. I must admit though that seeing it’s slightly over 2 hours long did make me hesitate a bit. I wasn’t sure if the movie would have my rapt attention for that long. I was pleasantly surprised that I did not have much trouble sitting through it (albeit a couple of pauses here and there) So here goes my review about the movie based on the first book in The Enola Holmes Mysteries series by the American author Nancy Springer.

Put simply, the movie is about a teenager Enola (‘alone’ spelt backwards, oh there’s more where that came from) Holmes setting off a daring quest to investigate the disappearance of her mother and also finds herself embroiled in helping a runaway Marquess’ often finding herself in dangerous situations. Millie Bobby Brown (who plays Enola) is no ‘stranger’ to the typical Netflix viewer. Known for her captivating performance as Eleven in the sci-fi series Stranger Things, Millie has yet again proven herself to be a promising young artist. Similar to the Amazon series Fleabag, Enola often speaks directly to her audience often giving us a view into her thoughts as the movie progresses.

The movie is set in the 19th century and shot across various parts of UK. Enola finds herself in London after following clues and ciphered messages which her mother left behind. Soon enough she finds herself transforming from a gawky teenager with disheveled hair to a fine young lady dressed to the nines. Although I must admit that for someone who has never left the premises of her mansion, the character seems to maneuver her way around London (and the series of unexpected events) with great ease; almost making it a bit hard to believe.

The movie is a cocktail of familial bonding (or more accurately it’s lack thereof), early feminist school of thought, an emotional Sherlock and budding teenage romance wrapped in a thin tapestry of mystery. For those who are ardent lovers of the Sherlock Holmes series, the movie may be a bit disappointing simply because the mystery elements are a bit weak. Having said that, the movie makes an amusing, light watch when you are looking to unwind after a hectic day. 

Overall rating : 6.8 / 10
